These are some books by my best buds and fellow Loopies. Some are even dinosaurs like me *s*
If you'd like to give them a try, and why wouldn't you, just click on the cover and get whisked to Amazon.com

A contemporary romance, part of the Pearl Island Trilogy.
Jules and I have known each other since the good old Dell Days. She is having amazing success with her Perfect Trilogy, why not try some pearls *s*
Check out her website at
Jill and I met at a Romance conference many years ago. I was wandering along the hall talking to myself, thinking Virginia was still beside me (you need to attach her by means of a bungee cord or she wanders off, easily distracted) and there was Jill, laughing her head off. On such things great friendships are formed.
Also check out Jill's website at:
One must bow to the Queen of Bold, Swarthy Romance Heroes.
Virginia and I started out at Avon together eons ago. Our rookie books launched the Avon Ribbon Romance series and we've stayed close friends ever since, moving to Dell together, then to NAL.
Also check out her website at:
Sherri has transformed Charlotte Brontë’s gothic masterpiece into an eerie paranormal adventure that will delight and terrify.
We've also been Loopie friends since the good old Dell days and it's wonderful to see her twisted sense of humor coming out in these mashup books *s*
Check out her website at:

Fondly known as Princess Shoes, Jacquie has been a Loopie for *gasp* over 15 years. And if that isn't scary enough, you should see her collection of furry animal purses, tres chic, especially with those Jimmy Choo shoes.
Check out her website and read an excerpt from Summer at Seaside Cove

Yes, another Loopie from the Dell Days. Jillyjan is the quiet, calm one on the loop and on the very very very rare occasion when she drops the F bomb, we can feel our collective hairs standing on end. LOL.
We met at a Dell dinner, where I was amazed to actually be sitting beside *the* Jill Gregory.
Check out her website:
Shirl and I have known each other since books were chiseled out onto stone tablets...almost as long as I've known Virginia, who stood by and sharpened the chisels for us. LOL
Check out Shirl's website at: